About Temple
- Fulfill the spiritual and religious needs of the Hindu community. Develop, promote and preserve Hindu culture and heritage.
- Rhode Island has a large and growing Indian community
- Rhode Island is one of 6 states in the US without a Hindu temple and there is no Hindu temple in the 50 mile radius of Providence
Initial Meetings
- Idea formally shared on February 3rd, 2013 amongst Nageswara Rao (Nagesh) Kamsani, Surya Kavali, Srinivas Velury, Madan Annavarjula, Pradeep Penubolu and Nataraju Elluri and their respective families
- First formal meeting at Nagesh’s home on February 17th, 2013 to explore viability of project, included more supporters of idea
- Second meeting at Surya’s home on February 24th, 2013 with few invited families along with Prof. Ramesh Mohan to gain insights from his temple experience. An initial seed fund of $377 was collected
- Several meetings were held subsequently to develop a formal structure for the organization. Nagesh shared sample copies of By-Laws, Constitution, and other relevant documents from other temple initiatives in the US
Interim Committee
- A formal meeting was organized on March 10th , 2013 at Briarwood Apartments Clubhouse, Warwick, RI with 19 families
- It was also decided that while a Hindu temple was the primary goal, the organization should exist to serve a broader purpose towards the community in and around RI
- It was decided to form an interim trustee committee to lead the initial efforts. Madan, Nagesh, Surya, Nataraju, and Srinivas were appointed as the members of trustee committee. Pradeep was appointed as treasurer
Accomplished So Far
- The name of organization (Rhode Island Hindu Temple Society, Inc) was voted on out of thirteen names and adopted at the March 10th meeting
- Articles of Incorporation, Federal Employer Identification Number, Bank Account obtained
- Website (www.rihts.org) and domain name registered, facebook account opened
- A formal date is set for performing Karya Siddhi Ganesha homam
- A total of $220,000 was pledged as of 12/31/2013
Next steps
- Compile, review and adopt organization Constitution and By-Laws
- Finalize benefits and privileges of different membership categories
- Formulate strategy for fundraising
- Arrange date for formal elections of Executive Board and Board of Trustees
- Organize community events to work towards obtaining tax-exempt status
- Identify and procure land for construction of Temple
- Identify vaastu specialist and architect to develop Temple blueprints
Mission & Objectives
The mission of the Society is to preserve and promote Hindu Religion, Culture and Philosophy.
The objectives of Rhode Island Hindu Temple Society, Inc, shall include, but shall not be limited to:
- Operation of a Hindu Temple or Temples in the state of Rhode Island, built according to Agama Sasthras, in all religious, charitable and educational dimensions and perform and uphold Hindu religious activities as defined in the Vedas and Upanishads
- Bringing together people who subscribe to the Hindu faith
- Providing a common and equitable forum to discuss the values and ideals of the Hindu religion
- Organizing community service events
- Development of the Temple shall be accomplished in stages (phases) based upon financial considerations and solid long term plans
- Performing regular “archanas” (worship) daily and performing any other significant and relevant religious services periodically
- Communication and promotion of the distinct religion, philosophy and culture of the Hindus for advancement of the Hindu religion
- Organization and promotion of literary, cultural, philosophical, linguistic, artistic and yogic aspects of Hindu religion as well as providing facilities for spiritual and intellectual development
- Promotion of Hindu religious and cultural understanding, harmony and cooperation
- Imparting the knowledge of Yoga and Meditation for the development of the body, mind and soul
- Providing facilities to celebrate Hindu festivals and Hindu religious ceremonies
- Promotion of Sanskrit and other major Indian languages as well as music, dance and other arts
- Inspiring the younger generation to acquire the knowledge of and to promote their religious and cultural roots
- Purchase or otherwise acquire any land and/or property, from time to time, sell or alienate such land and/or property, and to mortgage the same where necessary
- Raise funds, for the carrying out of these objectives, by public subscription, donations, mortgage of assets of the Organization, or in any appropriate way, which the Board of Trustees and the Board of Executives, deem advisable
- Promotion of humanitarian and compassionate services to the community at large, irrespective of their faith
- Fostering, promoting and encouraging goodwill as well as understanding through cross-cultural activities
- Ensuring ethical behavior and goodwill with other religious and/or cultural organizations
- Carrying out acts and all other functions, which are consistent with the aims and objectives of the Society
- Complying with the requirements of federal and state tax law for religious organizations
- Engaging in any other activity incidental to or connected with the foregoing purposes or in advancement thereof but not for the pecuniary benefit of its members, Trustees, Executives, Officers or other private persons. except where the Corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose set forth in this article. No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office